For debtor
For the purposes of the Enforcement Code, a debtor is a person against whom the claimant has submitted an enforceable title for enforcement. An enforceable title may be a court decision, a notarized agreement, a decision of a labour dispute committee, an administrative act or another document specified in Section 2 of the Code of Enforcement Procedure.
When the claimant submits an application for enforcement to the enforcement agent, the enforcement agent starts enforcement proceedings and sends the debtor a enforcement notice.
You can submit an inquiry about the enforcement proceedings initiated against you either to the Chamber of Bailiffs and Trustees in Bancrupcy or you can find information on the citizen's portal section ’Minu vastu algatatud täitetoimikud’.
If you have received a enforcement notice, please read the contents of the documents. If you have any questions, please use the FAQ section on this website.
If you do not find the answer to your question, please write to us using the contact form below.
Olen saanud täitmisteate
Sain teada minu suhtes algatatud täitemenetlusest ning soovin kohtutäiturile infot edastada.
Taotlen maksegraafikut
Võlgnikul on võimalus esitada kohtutäiturile maksegraafiku avaldus võlgnevuse osade kaupa tasumiseks.